Mike Doehla is the founder and CEO of Stronger U Nutrition, he's got a pretty good gig. It didn't come without focusing on the little things. People first, be yourself, get in front of people more, put in the time even if you aren't getting paid. Spending more time in coffee shops than click funnels has brought him a lot of momentum so far and he's collected a pretty strong team.
We expanded on my theory about dogs making people better at lifting, we talked about travelling, we talked about his old banking job, we talked a tiny bit about HR, we talked about core values, we talked about a couple people he looks up to, we talked about people who stood out to him at his first Kansas City Fitness Summit, we talked about game of thrones and we talked about scrambled eggs and chia seeds. Actually that last part was me, I was talking, but he was listening, and that's what makes him a good guy.
Mike is a very real, good guy. Make sure you check this one out and share it in your story. Especially you, Dean Guedo.
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