I noticed how much I was talking about breathing in my podcasts so I recruited someone else to demonstrate it this time.
Josh Nill and I share the commonality of growing up in or around a small town. Those rural roots run deep. We also discovered we know a lot of the same people as we've been getting to know each other at Evolve South. It's really a small world.
Something that Josh is pretty humble about is his experience working with the Dallas Stars organization for their development camp. That's something that's always stood out to me as being a pretty valuable experience. We didn't mention it in the podcast too much because I was scared I was going to breach his confidentiality agreement. But now you know he's got some cool stuff on his resume.
In this episode we chat about how Andrew Coates isn't as scary as Josh used to think he was. Much like Tormund from Game of Thrones, he's just a big friendly dude with a lot of personality. All in good fun, check out The Fitness Devil with Andrew and Dean Guedo if you want to really dive down the fitness rabbit hole. I plug them a lot because friends with podcasts should support their other friends who also have podcasts.
We chatted about mentors and family and pizza and the Avengers and the Hot 107 award that Evolve just received which we think might just be because people are coming for Bear-Bear.
This one was a suuuper casual episode, and just a way for two trainers to get to know each other in a day where we had a window between clients.
You'll want to give it a listen. Josh is almost as weird as I am :P.
I need all the help I can get in helping The Lifestyle Chase to grow. So if you happen to listen to an episode, please share it on social media, rate it on iTunes, or send me a message and let me know what you think.
You'll be able to find this episode on nearly all podcast platforms, or the link in my bio and they also get archived on www.yegfitness.ca
Thank you for the support, I hope you enjoy!
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