This is Kayle's return to The Lifestyle Chase.
(@kayle_salad._ )was last on the show for Episode 117 back on April 29, 2020.
At that time she was living in Australia navigating all the crazy things that had happened over the course of the last few months during that time.
This episode was a bit of a catch up. Filling in the gaps between where she was then and where she is now.
Navigating a recent ADHD diagnosis while living in Bali and working on her online business at
Check out the episode and if you haven't already be sure to go back to Episode 117 to get more background on Kayle to fill in the gaps.
Thanks for checking out The Lifestyle Chase. To learn more about me (Chris) your host, you can follow me @christianliddle , @thelifestylechase and head to
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