Shawn Adair is one of the only personal trainers I know of that trained people out of his apartment building by putting rubber mats and a rack in the living room. He quickly moved on to open up The Bar, based out of Vancouver, BC. He casually talked about jumping a gap at the Grand Canyon like it was just another day whereas I get anxious if I see a cliff's edge on an IMAX movie.
Shawn has really set himself apart with a high energy personality, crazy work ethic, passion for continuing education and attention to detail. A lot of leaders in the industry go to him to refine their skills in strict muscle ups and just performance based training. Working out the inefficiencies. Shawn is also FST certified which has benefited him in a huge way with how he works with his clients.
I hope you enjoy this episode, be sure to tag us on social media when you listen, give it a nice rating, and check out some of the other episodes. You can see all the episodes ever released at . As more of these episodes get released alongside my Real Talk short segments, you will find that only the most recent 100 episodes show up in iTunes and Spotify. Some alumni guests whose names you may recognize are Jill Coleman, Dean Somerset, Jordan Syatt, Carl Paoli, Jen Kish and countless others both inside and outside of the fitness industry. It's amazing the conversations I've had and I'm grateful for the opportunities. Thanks for supporting my passion project!
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